7 Email Marketing Mistakes That Are Costing You Sales (& How to Fix Them)

Email marketing can be tricky at times. Even seasoned marketers can sometimes make mistakes and fall victim so that their open rates start plummeting and unsubscribe rates start soaring. But fear not! We’ve got you covered because avoiding these pitfalls is easier than you think. In this blog, we have covered 7 most damaging email marketing mistakes to equip you with actionable tips to steer clear of these mistakes. 

1. Subject Lines That Fall Flat:

Remember, the subject line is your first impression. If it’s boring, spammy, or irrelevant, your email will likely end up buried in the abyss of inboxes, never to be seen again. Here’s how to craft captivating subject lines:

The subject line is your first impression to the audience and if it comes across as boring, spammy, or irrelevant, your email will end up buried in an abyss of inboxes, never to be opened again. Here’s how you can craft spellbinding subject lines:

  • Avoid ALL CAPS and excessive exclamation points. They scream “spam!”
  • Ditch the clickbait. Don’t mislead your subscribers with false promises.
  • Keep it concise (16-41 characters) and informative. Briefly highlight your email’s value proposition.
  • Personalize with names or relevant keywords. Grab attention and spark curiosity.
  • Test different options! Use A/B testing to see what resonates best with your audience.

2. Personalization is key:

You cannot treat your entire Email list as a uniform blob or you’re just on your way to making a recipe for disaster. People crave personalization, and sending generic emails that don’t resonate with their wishes is a ticket to the u subscribe button. 

The Solution: Segmentation is Your Superpower:

Segment your list based on demographics, interests, purchase history, or engagement levels. This will allow you to send targeted emails with content that speaks to your audience’s needs and desires. For instance, imagine you are getting an email about baby clothes when you have teenagers. You might be wanting to get an email featuring trendy tech gadgets and this is the power of segmentation! 

3. Sending Emails at 3 AM is Not Cool:

Timing is everything! Sending emails at odd hours or bombarding inboxes with daily blasts is a surefire way to annoy your subscribers.

Find Your Audience’s Sweet Spot:

You need to analyze data to understand when your audience is the most active. Weekdays and mornings/afternoons tend to be more receptive than weekends or late nights. When you have a global audience, you need to consider factors such as time zones. Resist the urge to send too many emails. Having a respectful interval between emails is key to maintaining engagement. 

4. CTAs: Clear or Cryptic?

Have you ever opened an email with too many buttons and no clear directions? Confusing CTAs can cause a lot of frustration. 

Make Your CTAs Shine:

Keep your email focused on a single goal and surround your CTA around that. Use bold, contrasting colors and concise wording that compels action. Remember, the squint test: if you blur your email and the CTA still stands out then it’s great but if not, refine it. 

5. Mobile Myopia: A Big Mistake:

Make sure that your emails are mobile-friendly because a huge chunk of your audience opens the emails on their mobile devices.

Mobile-First Optimization is Key:

Use responsive email design to ensure that your emails adapt seamlessly to different screen sizes. Keep your text concise, optimise image sizes, and avoid tiny buttons that are impossible to click with your thumb. Test your emails on various devices. 

6. Professionalism Matters (Proofread!)

Typos, broken links, and unprofessional images are the habits of an amateur. These mistakes erode trust and damage your brand image.

Double-Check Everything, Always:

Use spell check, proofread, review your work, and double-check all links and images. Invest in high-quality visuals that scream of your brand identity. Remember, first impressions matter and professionalism pays off. 

7. Flying Blind with Metrics:

Ignoring email metrics is like driving with your eyes closed. You have no idea where you’re going or how to improve.

Track & Analyze for Success:

Monitor key metrics like open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, bounces, and unsubscribes. These insights reveal what’s working and what needs adjustment. Track email deliverability too – a healthy list and good practices keep you out of the spam folder.

Bonus Tip: Choose the Right ESP:

Your email service provider (ESP) is your partner in crime. Choose one that offers robust features, segmentation tools, reliable deliverability, and insightful analytics. Don’t settle for anything less than a platform that fuels your email marketing success.

By avoiding these common pitfalls and implementing these actionable tips, you’ll be well on your way to crafting email campaigns that resonate with your audience, drive engagement, and boost your bottom line. Remember, email marketing is a powerful tool – wield it wisely, and watch your sales soar!