6 Expert Tactics for AI Media Planning You Can’t Ignore

In the evolving landscape of digital marketing, artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer a futuristic concept—it’s a current reality that’s revolutionizing the way we plan and execute media strategies. The integration of AI into media planning is unlocking new levels of efficiency, creativity, and personalization, making it a game-changer for marketers. Here’s how you can leverage AI to optimize your media planning efforts.

1. Enhance Efficiency with AI-Driven Data Analysis

AI’s ability to process large datasets quickly is one of its most significant advantages. Media planning often involves analyzing vast amounts of data, from market research to performance metrics. AI tools can sift through this data faster than any human, providing insights and recommendations in minutes rather than hours. This allows marketers to focus on creative and strategic aspects of their campaigns instead of getting bogged down in manual analysis.

Note: Utilize AI tools like Ajelix for handling complex spreadsheet formulas or ChatGPT to optimize your campaign data analysis. This can save you significant time and ensure your data-driven decisions are as informed as possible.

2. Streamline Campaign Research

Finding the right platforms and strategies for your campaigns can be time-consuming, but AI can simplify this process. By using generative AI tools, you can quickly gather information on top-performing media platforms and trends relevant to your industry. This helps in crafting a more targeted and effective media plan.

Note: Feed previous campaign data into your AI tool to get personalized insights. This can help refine your strategy and ensure that your campaigns are not just based on general trends but on what works best for your specific needs.

3. Optimize Platform and Ad Placement

With a myriad of ad platforms available—Facebook, Instagram, Google PPC, etc.—it can be challenging to choose the right ones for your campaign. AI can help by analyzing your performance data and suggesting the most effective platforms and placements for your ads.

Note: Tools like ReBid’s AI assistant can provide detailed recommendations on where to place your ads for maximum impact. These tools analyze past performance and industry data to guide your decisions, helping you get the most out of your ad spend.

4. Get Creative with AI-Generated Content

While AI-generated content often requires some tweaking, it’s a fantastic tool for brainstorming and drafting. Whether you need inspiration for ad copy, social media posts, or email campaigns, AI can provide a solid starting point, allowing you to focus on refining and personalizing the content.

Note: Use AI tools to draft initial versions of your ad copy. This can speed up the creative process, giving you more time to perfect the tone and messaging to fit your brand.

5. Create Original Visual Content in Minutes

AI isn’t just for text—it’s also transforming visual content creation. With AI-powered tools, you can generate high-quality images and videos for your ads in minutes, based on simple text descriptions. This is particularly useful for media planners who need to produce a large volume of creative assets quickly.

Note: Adobe Firefly and Microsoft Designer are excellent options for generating visual content. Provide a clear text prompt and, if possible, an example of a style you like to guide the AI’s output. This ensures the final product aligns with your brand’s aesthetic.

6. Personalize Your Campaigns for Greater Impact

Personalization is key in today’s marketing landscape. AI enables you to create highly personalized content and campaigns, from addressing customers by name in ads to tailoring recommendations based on past behavior. This level of personalization can significantly boost engagement and conversion rates.

Note: Leverage AI to incorporate personalization tokens into your media content. AI tools have features that allow you to customize emails, landing pages, and ads based on CRM data, creating a more engaging experience for your audience.


AI is an invaluable tool in the modern marketer’s arsenal, especially when it comes to media planning. By embracing AI, you can streamline your processes, create more effective campaigns, and ultimately drive better results for your business. Remember, while AI can handle the heavy lifting, your unique human insights and creativity are what will truly set your campaigns apart. Use these six expert tactics to utilise the power of AI and elevate your media planning strategy today.